MAPBOL: Pilot Project

Posted 3:20 by Monica Guerrero Vazquez in Etiquetas: ,

The four strategic worklines are made visible through the PROYECTO PILOTO (pilot project).

The pilot project is funded by the Technical University of Madrid, within the X Call for Funding for cooperation for development projects.

This period will be developed in the community of Totora, Cochabamba-Bolivia. It is a rural area, 149Km away from the city, with a small-urban component as it is the populated center. This area shows a variety related on territory organization, managing among other areas, national parks.

The section of Tototra is organized of a central municipality, 13 comunities and 108 subcentrales. This project pretends to validate and to update this geographic information, by verifying its localization and settlements as organizational structure.


There are three main goals for this phase:

1.- Elaboration of road maps (that include all the accesible ways of each community)

To generate cartographic information needed for:
a.- localization on unaccessible populated areas
b.- identification of ways of access to communities
c.- localization of interes areas

2.- Technical training on GI and ICT related with free software.
To train specialized agents for obtanining geographic information by using GPS, being these agents, members of the communities and the municipality.

3.- Participative Methodology implementation, related with the work and management of GI
To develop a methodology of work for the project's replicability and for data collection management, by taking into account civil society's participation.


In order to achieve the goals described above, the project pretends to develop the following activities:

1 Material collection
2 Methodology planning
3 Participative workshops
4 Technical training
5 Field work
6 Data management
7 Maps Layout
Lessons learned and divulgation workshop



There are support actions for the project within national plans, such us the National Plan for Digital Inclusion promoted by the central government, through Vice Presidency and the Information Society Development Agency, in order to improve the government actions, municipalities and local data management, giving the society means to promote human development and to improve their quality of life.

This project will encourage planification, use of resources, use of software libre tools within public administrations, so that they are able to replicate their own development projects.


The feasibility and sustainability of the project have the support of other institutions as:

- The Digital Center of Natural Resources of Bolivia, which is interested in obtaining all the necessary information regarding urban and rural areas.

- The National Electoral Court of Bolivia, which take into account social participation, electoral processes and civil registry.

- And, ultimately, the institutional support from Totora's municipality, which provides full agreement on the project's geographic area.


Even though, it may seem that the cultural aspect of the society is not close-related with technology, there is increasing interest for using information technology, specially the one that provides a precise knowledge of territory and communities.

The participating communities are proactive and interested in getting out their oblivion hence, they are aware of how important the geographic information is to show their work outside. The civil society participation contributes to improve democratic governance that is the reason this project considers people participation as a key, for generation and use of information.
Previously, a small experience was developed in the area. It was related with training on data harvesting by using GPS. This experience made them familiar with this technology.


This proposal takes into account all people without discrimination. Both men and women will work during all phases of the project: data collection, management and use, and will be trained with the same consideration, focused on the main goal which is to locate their communitites and to make available their information.

Even though the community already has their own roles structure, Mapping Bolivia does not pretends to settle any confronting idea. The intentions are: to make them actively participate in this project so that they appropriate of the project’s idea to asure replicability and sustainability, and to make them visible so that they can be included within local and national development plans.

Women here, play an important role as they are responsible of familiar development, they will participate as coordinators and managers of collected data.


The project’s applied techonlogy do not have negative and direct environmental impact, due to the main devices used are GPS units.

A plan to manage the waste is being developed so that the posible impact the Project can produce will not damage the area.
This project will help to consider environmental factors in the area by analyzing generated information, so that urban, natural, protected areas, instability geological areas can be identified.


It is expected that actions and benefits can be replicable. Replicability and lessons learned will be used locally and nationally, and can be spread regionally through other countries, due to many latinamerican countries have the same necessities and have similar geological and social features, requiring a similar feasible and sustainable methodology which takes into account their structure and civil participation in order to generate geographic information of their territory.

The introduction of information technologies is a goal du to they are useful tolos for poverty erradication, social exclusión and anonymity of citizens who can be included within development processes.
It is aimed to do this a sustainable project by the creation of work teams made jointly with networks created among institutions, universities, and people involved and compromised with real application of technology for human development by doing a coordinating job.

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